

Wow, Now Let Your Brows Talk: EyeBrow Trends

From Pandemic Brows to 2021 Brow Trends

With less opportunity for botox and brow bar visits for their usual waxing, tinting, trimming and smoothing my brows got way more expressive and perhaps a bit too natural during 2021. Here’s how I coped. 

With 2020’s necessary mask wearing our brows did a lot of the talking. Brows became a real focal point as literally that’s all we saw of our masked companions. Over the last year people’s beauty routines tended to go one way or the other. Some of us DYI-ed & intensified our skincare & body routines while others went, “Ain’t no one gonna see me anyway, soooo?” I fell into the DYI & intensify coping strategy. So while my brows got a break from the brow bar, I got busy researching DYI brow care.

Admittedly, I went though some pandemic fatigue and let my brows go a bit too far into the bushy range before a quick head snap when the vaccines launched late 2020 and social gatherings started to become a reality. Finally after a bit of research and trial n’ error my brows got some well-deserved attention.


Fast forward to spring 2021. The brow trend hasn’t picked up where it left off at the end of 2019. The pre-pandemic up-brushed, laminated look hasn’t returned. Personally, I’m not sorry to see it go. My beyond50ishness never could embrace this overly surprised look. The neglected brows of 2020 thankfully inspired a new trend. In 2021 brows will be less penciled, pomaded & painted and more fluffed with minimal definition and a peek of skin. 

My brows have definitely hit their sweet spot in the last 3 months after being allowed to grow-in a bit over quarantine and as I perfected my at-home minimal tint, trim and grow routine. I can now face 2021 with a natural

look, minimal effort brow along with returning to my just-a-touch of botox to keep them talking!

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